What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of holistic therapy that uses very fine needles to stimulate specific points on the body. The treatment reestablishes optimal circulation of the vital energy (Qi) and release any blockages that cause the disease. It is based on Chinese Medicine, a self-sustained medical system that has been used in the Far East for over two thousand years. In the last century acupuncture became very popular in the West due to its impressive therapeutic results with difficult cases and hence it was adopted, taught and practiced by medics and health practitioners. Nowadays, acupuncture is widely popular among people who use it to improve their health. Acupuncture is also studied, taught and researched in many universities around the world.
Does acupuncture hurt?
The needles we use at AcuClinic are extremely fine and of the highest quality in order to minimize the pain of insertion. Fine needles combined with many years of experience at AcuClinic guarantees a deeply relaxing and painless treatment. In the majority of cases there is no pain at all, however some points are more sensitive and few people may feel some sensation at the moment of the insertion, which would last fractions of a second or a few seconds at most. For some patients, fear and/or the expectation of pain may make them anxious in the first session but they quickly get used to the procedure and enjoy unwinding and the relaxation that almost always accompanies an acupuncture treatment.
Is acupuncture safe? What are the side effects?
Acupuncture is totally safe when practiced by a properly trained and experienced
practitioner. Side effects are rare and temporary, like a minor bruise at the needling site, lightheadedness after the first session, very occasionally exacerbation of some symptoms for a few hours. Compared to other therapeutic modalities acupuncture is one of the safest with the least side effects.
How many treatments will I need?
The outcome of an acupuncture treatment depends on the strength of the individual’s
immune system and on how chronic (or acute) or severe the problem is. Often patients experience an immediate improvement while others start to feel better after a few regular treatments. Some factors that affect this response are complexity and depth of the condition in combination with age and background health issues.
A course of seven treatments is often recommended to initiate a significant improvement. Some cases may need less than that. However, some deep-rooted and chronic conditions may require several courses. Often improvement may be noticed after one or two treatments. In all cases, it is very important to keep your treatments regular (once, twice or three times per week as indicated by your personalized treatment plan) in order to maximize the efficacy of the therapy. Once the condition has stabilized and the symptoms are settled, the frequency of the treatments will decrease accordingly (every two weeks or once a month) for maintenance and to prevent a relapse.
After the initial consultation, the treatment plan that best suits you will be outlined.
Sometimes it is important that the patient actively contributes to the treatment by doing some mild exercise, following personalised diet recommendations or incorporating life-style changes.
How can acupuncture help me?
Acupuncture is an holistic therapy, therefore it can help in many conditions, and the improvement is felt both physically and psychologically. Acupuncture acts on the central nervous system and can therefore support the organism in a variety of different conditions, treat them or manage their symptoms. Do not hesitate to give us a call to discuss your specific condition and whether acupuncture is a good option for you.